Well I've finally got some hours under my belt at the Kitchen Clinic. For the most part everything is the same everyday for me. I go in and ask what needs to be done and I'm either entering medications into the system as received by the Clinic or I'm seeing patients. I usually see between four and ten patients in the two hour period that I'm there. Its been very interesting meeting so many different people from so many different lifestyles. Its really been a reality check for me. When you think you have it hard, theres always someone else out there that has it that much harder. I enjoy getting to hear all their stories weather positive of negative, that they bring to me while I'm seeing them. Some of them will talk your ear off and others just want to get down to business but either way its always an interesting experience. I feel like doing this gives me a chance to impact the lives of these people on a personal level. Many if not most sadly tell me negative/sad things going on in their lives and I try to do my best to encourage them to hang in there. I want to be as positive as I can for them and show them that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope to bring a more positive experience at the kitchen for them and help them to feel more comfortable in a doctors office by opening up positive conversations with them. I have encountered little to no struggles so far with the Clinic over the semester. The only struggle with the clinic I've had so far was during the beginning when I was still learning how things worked. At the start I didn't quite have down how to write things out on the forms and what questions to ask the patients and how to ask the questions properly but as the semester moved on I have learned how to do things more and more smoothly. At this point I'm getting to wear I know where things are and what to fill out and how to fill it out as well as what to ask the patients. Now I'm able to move past that a step further like I mentioned above and open up friendly conversations with the patients now that I'm comfortable with the business part of it. My experience with my roommates has been a very positive one. We all are very good about sharing everything and everyone has been very respectful of each others things. We haven't had to deal with any issues of any real significance. I look forward to next semester with them. The Stress Free and Wellness experience has been overall a very interesting one. Its been busy to make it to all of the events as a student athlete but I've managed to pull it off. Its been fun using these experience to interact with the rest of the summit community being that we see them at these events. It makes it more fun with more people. Its also been interesting learning about all these different stress techniques. I didn't know what Tai Chi and Yoga consisted of before this. Overall its been a great experience though.
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